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May 25 – June 9, 2013

Aly will be performing in the Off-Broadway production of The Last Cyclist! The show runs from May 25th – June 9th. Click here to buy tickets online!

Press for Aly in The Last Cyclist:

“Implausibly—impossibly—it’s a comedy, and a funny one at that.” – Critics’ Pick in New York Magazine

“A harmless shopkeeper named Abeles (Patrick Pizzolorusso) is among those who unwittingly run afoul of the new order; he recently acquired a bicycle to try to impress the woman he loves, Manicka (Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld).” – The New York Times

“In colorful, cartoonish costumes, the 10 actors tumble on and off the set, swiftly changing roles through a series of 21 vignettes. With slapstick and broad, vaudevillian humor, they parody the random illogic and racism of a world where people were killed just for being Jewish… Patrick Pizzolorusso plays the hapless anti-hero, Borivoj Abeles, a simple man who refuses to believe what’s happening all around him until he actually is ‘the last cyclist.’ Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld plays his craftier girlfriend, Manicka.” – Associated Press

“The story line creates a humorous slapstick take of inmates in an institution, a “Hitler” figure who claims the Jews are responsible for all the problems as are the cyclists, and enhanced by a love story between Abeles (a playful yet earnest Patrick Pizzolorusso who plays the role of Karel Svenk who clowned and improvised ala Chaplin in Terezin, and died at the age of 28) and his buxom, coy Manicka played by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld.” – Examiner


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